Monday, February 21, 2011

NWT Suicide Prevention Training Program in Inuvik

YELLOWKNIFE (February 18, 2011) - The recently revised NWT Suicide Prevention Training Program is being offered to residents in the Beaufort Delta who are interested in learning suicide prevention and intervention skills to help others.

The Department of Health and Social Services, in partnership with the NWT Suicide Prevention Steering Committee, will be offering the training program at the Gwich'in Wellness Camp outside of Inuvik from March 19 to 28, 2011.

The revised one-week curriculum will use Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, and will consist of three phases that are culturally-relevant and community-based. The first phase will be grieving and healing work, the second phase will be community asset mapping, and the third phase will be planning to help communities address the issue of suicide.

"Anyone with intervention skills can intervene and save a life, which is why the program is open to all residents - and not just mental health professionals," said Minister of Health and Social Services, Sandy Lee. "With this new training program, community members will have the skills to help fellow community members."

Through the NWT Suicide Prevention Training Program, healthy living and wellness is being promoted which is a key priority in the Department of Health and Social Services' A Foundation for Change and the Government of the Northwest Territories' goal of healthy, educated residents.

For more information, contact:

Damien Healy
Manager, Communications
Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life or Death: Teen Suicide on American Indian Reservations

Posted: February 12, 2011 01:41 PM

Teen suicide is beyond what most of us can fathom. No parent should have to bury their children. I have done it in my films and even that much was emotionally uncomfortable and draining.

American Indian teens take their own lives at more than two times the rate of any other teen demographic in the USA, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of course, these numbers are just averages, so on certain reservations the suicide rate is exponentially higher. But calculating the numbers is easy. It's the reasons that are harder to fathom.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Choose Life

Michael Short- February 14, 2011
The pain caused by the suicide of a young person is almost too terrible to imagine, certainly too terrible to be adequately described. Words so often elude us here. But we need to talk about youth suicide, not avoid it in the misguided belief that keeping it taboo somehow shelters people in difficulty from dangerous thoughts. Only through appropriate discussion can we cement the crucial concept that young people have many options - and suicide is not one of them.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister announces new International Aboriginal Youth Internships (IAYI) initiative!!!

Ottawa, Ontario —Today, as part of CIDA’s International Development Week, the Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of International Cooperation, introduced a new opportunity for Aboriginal youth from across Canada to participate in international development through the new International Aboriginal Youth Internships (IAYI) initiative.

“The new International Aboriginal Youth Internships initiative is an exciting, new initiative that will bring a new experience to Canada’s Aboriginal youth,” said Minister Oda. “Their unique perspective and heritage will enhance our work in developing countries and enrich their opportunities to contribute to Canada’s efforts to bring a better life to those living in poverty around the world. I firmly believe that our government’s outreach to the Aboriginal youth in Canada in this way will open new doors in their futures.”

Through the IAYI initiative, each year 140 Canadian Aboriginal youth will have the opportunity to work in developing countries on Canadian-supported development projects with recognized organizations. This initiative will be supported with $10.5 million over five years.

In developing the initiative, CIDA consulted with national aboriginal organizations, including the Assembly of First Nations, the Native Women’s Association of Canada, and the Métis National Council, as well as with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Heritage.

The internships will be implemented by qualified Canadian organizations selected under CIDA’s new Global Citizens Program. Canadian organizations are invited to apply by submitting a proposal before April 7, 2011.

Office of the Minister of International Cooperation
Justin Broekema
Press Secretary
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Media Relations Office

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bill C-593, An Act respecting a National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

Megan Leslie, MP Halifax NS:

Each year over 3,500 Canadians die by suicide. That means 10 people die by suicide every day. No community goes untouched by suicide.

On the 5th of November I was honoured to introduce my Private Member's Bill C-593, An Act respecting a National Strategy for Suicide Prevention that will direct the Federal government to establish a national suicide prevention strategy, in consultation with the provincial, territorial and First Nations Governments.

Since that time this Bill has gained considerable momentum, and we have gained the support of many community allies, and with their help we have begun to bring more awareness to this issue that affects the lives of so many Canadians.

I am so proud of the progress this bill has made in such a short time but more needs to be done.

For your information below are links to the work that has been done on this bill to date, and should you wish to receive more information about this bill or would like to share any information please do not hesitate to be in touch with my office.

Check out the website!

Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health's new website

Check out the new Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health. There are lots of personal stories to help inspire hope across our country. There is also an opportunity to submit a video to end the stigma associated with mental health, with a chance to win $2500!!!!
Check it out!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Do It For Daron (D.I.F.D) Youth Mental Health Awareness Night

OTTAWA - Luke Richardson, the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, the Sens Foundation and the Ottawa Senators announced today the creation of awareness and fundraising initiatives designed to inspire conversations about youth mental health.

In November 2010, Richardson’s daughter, Daron, 14, took her own life.

“We lost a beautiful daughter and sister,” said Luke Richardson, on behalf of his wife, Stephanie and 16-year-old daughter Morgan. “Daron was also a dear friend and teammate to many. She is sorely missed by all of us.”

“At that very tragic time in November we made the decision to speak publicly about suicide because we wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. We wanted to do what was best for Morgan, for the three of us to understand, to remember Daron and move forward.” added Richardson.
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Health Minister Aglukkaq announces $2.4 million for Nunavut's troubled youth

By Jim Bell, Nunatsiaq News
QALUIT — Before an audience of about two dozen Iqaluit teenagers gathered inside a local youth centre, Leona Aglukkaq, the national health minister, on Friday announced a $2.4-million boost to a regional research program aimed at improving the mental health of Nunavut youth.

"As a northerner I have seen how difficult it can be for small or remote communities to deal with mental health issues affecting our young people," she said. "And it also pains me to say the suicide rate in Nunavut is highest among young people, and this has to change."

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aboriginal Summer Student Program

Aboriginal Summer Student Program

Junior Research /Policy/ or Program Officer Positions

The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada (FNIHB), in partnership with several Aboriginal Organizations located in the National Capital Region (Ottawa, Gatineau and surrounding area), is seeking Aboriginal post-secondary students interested in program and policy related summer positions. This is a Aboriginal culture-based program. Successful applicants will participate in an orientation day and bi-weekly activities in an Aboriginal cultural setting.

Students will be placed at Health Canada in Ottawa or with participating National Aboriginal Organization in a substantive (non-clerical) position.

Qualifications for these positions include an interest in Aboriginal health issues, enrolment in policy related studies such as social work, nursing, political science, Aboriginal (Native *) affairs, law, ethics, economics, environment and other related faculties. Résumés or curriculum vitae should clearly show the applicant’s interest and aptitude in policy, research or program areas.

To be considered for these positions, students must self-identify as Aboriginal and must register with Public Service Commission - Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP). Qualified applicants will be placed on a list according to position criteria.

If you are interested in participating in the Aboriginal Summer Student Program, please register through the Public Service Commission at: Recommended deadline is February 15, 2011

For further information about ASSP, you may contact:
Louise Garrow
Phone: 613-946-0679