Friday, November 19, 2010

The Richardson family broke the suicide taboo

A reminder that although uncomfortable at is better to talk about the suicide of loved ones, and the thoughts that some have of taking their own lives...than it is to not talk about them. What a great example this one Canadian family has set.

"Canada is a different country today from what it was two days ago, after a rare public memorial service for a teenage suicide victim – 5,600 people in Ottawa's professional hockey arena. Suicide, particularly the suicide of the young, is no longer the taboo it has been."

Read More>>

End Self Destruction in Nunavut!

A great article I stumbled upon while reading the Globe and Mail.

"It should not be the destiny of the Inuit to suffer the rest of their lives with astronomically high rates of suicide.

Without government intervention, however, this destructive trend cannot be reversed. The government of Nunavut is to be congratulated for its long-awaited suicide prevention strategy, tabled last week in the legislature."

Full Article >>

Thursday, November 4, 2010

All I can say is that its about time!!!

OTTAWA – Megan Leslie, New Democrat Critic for Health, announced the introduction of legislation, An Act respecting a National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, that will direct the Federal government to establish a national suicide prevention strategy, in consultation with the provincial, territorial and First Nations Governments.


CHECK IT OUT: Jesse Mike for President of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated!!!

Jesse Mike for President of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
November 3, 2010. Iqaluit, Nunavut.

Voters across Nunavut will be going to the polls
December 13, 2010 to elect a new President for Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated. Voters
will also select from among candidates for the two Vice-President positions.
In past NTI elections, voter turnout has typically been low. “I started voting when I was
16”, Jesse Mike says. “...This was as soon as I was able to vote. I grew up hearing a lot
about things that were going on with Inuit organizations and that really helped me want to
Jesse has taken a leave of absence from her job in the Social Development Department
at NTI to pursue the position of President of the Land Claim Organization. “So many
people from across Nunavut were approaching me and encouraging me to run for
President. Our leadership needs to do more to address social issues and I want to bring
back the passion and the approach of putting people and communities first.”
Jesse completed Nunavut Sivuniksavut, where she learned about Inuit History and about
how the young leaders of the day fought to establish Inuit rights and negotiate the
Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.
Jesse is no stranger at leadership tables. She has served, alongside Regional Land
Claims Organization Presidents, as a board member for Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. As past
President of the Embrace Life Council, Jesse supported the development of the Nunavut
Suicide Prevention Strategy, while overseeing programs and services which support
Nunavut communities and individuals. Her passion for sports and physical health
prompted her to help establish the Nunavut Star’s Hockey Camp. Speaking of her
leadership ability, Jesse says, “I have experience working with different levels of Boards
as well as grassroots movements and know that I am a capable leader.”
As President of NTI, Ms. Mike plans to bring back and strengthen the cooperative
approach which she feels is necessary to foster healthy relationships with governments,
Inuit organizations and others.
Jesse Mike’s Presidential Campaign priorities and platform are being developed in
partnership with a diverse team of individuals from across the territory. Nunavut
Beneficiaries, as well as others, are welcome and encouraged to contact Jesse and her
team to share their issues, concerns and questions.
For further information, or to share your opinions, please
email or call Campaign Manager, Stacey Aglok MacDonald at
On December 13, be an instrument for positive change, and GO VOTE!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The HLN is extending the date for entries into the "How do YOU honour Life?!" contest to December 10th 2010!!
So get your friends together and submit your entry today!!!!
For more information VISIT OUR SITE

NEWS: Nunavut- Everyone in Nunavut should fight suicide!!

New strategy recommends quality mental health services, better knowledge through research:

To reduce the territory’s shocking rates of suicide, Nunavut needs an “urgent, aggressive response” that brings together all levels of government, all organizations and all residents, a special working group recommends in a new suicide prevention strategy released last week.