Thanks to a Healthy and Vibrant Communities grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, which was awarded to the Honouring Life Network in November of 2009 we were able to bring you these two amazing short documentaries focusing on some of the positive Aboriginal youth programming that is being offered across our country. We hope that by highlighting the efforts of these two different Ontario communities, that the feeling of hope for the future will spread through our youth and across our great nation.
Bimaadiziwin which can be translated from Ojibway to mean “Living in a Good Way”, highlights the efforts of Walpole Island First Nation and the Bkejwanong Youth Facility, and shows the positive changes community members have seen in the youth, and the community as a whole, since its establishment.
Songedamowin which is an Algonquin word meaning “Trust” or “To Trust”, focuses on the Wabano Health Centre, located in the urban centre of our nation's capital, Ottawa. The centre serves First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth in addition to children, families, elders and the community as a whole.